sefjwm Trophy Card

Zombie of the month

Every year our manager buys calendars for all the supervisor level employees in our department. These calendars range from workplace themed calendars like a cubicle decoration calendar to the more wacky 12 months of pirates calendar. They had an extra one (and by extra I mean unwanted) this year and it was gifted to me by one of the project managers. I present to you the Boogeymanuals Zombie Field Guide Calendar! That's right, I was given a zombie calendar at work, complete with all the requisite blood splatter backgrounds, grotesque faces, and somewhere in there is a very small calendar. Why ruin a perfectly good calendar with things like days of the week and month names? For the month of July we have the Dog Zombie:

Identifying Marks - Red eyes; oily, matted fur; open wounds with possible parasitic infestation; advanced motor response with lethal consequences; basic canine speech capability (i.e., snarls and growls)

Origin - Viral transmission

Gore Factor - Visceral; rabid

Intelligence - Medium

Mobility - Quick bursts of acceleration combined with superior agility

Hot Spots - Private medical facilities; government agencies

Danger Rating - 8

I always knew that the government was creating these undead dog armies but I had no idea they hoarded them in hospitals. Yet another reason to hate going to see doctors. Luckily I always carry a sawed-off shotgun and grenade launcher in my pocket to take care of any zombies I encounter having superior agility. Now I just need to figure out what a gore factor of "rabid" is referring to.


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Don't let the nice design and layout fool you. this is a crazy place where I write all kinds of crazy stuff. Well technically not crazy but everyone else had a blog so I wanted one too. This was what resulted from it. See my first post ever for the full details.