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Zombie Haiku

As promised the first zombie haiku of the new year. Originally I thought this book was just a bunch of random poems. I was wrong. Apparently it is a journal of sorts chronicling the end of days for the world and in particular the author. The cheesy backstory is the author is a poet of sorts yet he chooses haiku as his form. I thought real poets abhorred haikus? Aren't they like only for children and teenagers looking for straight D's on their English projects? I would share these in the order they occur in the book but that would take years and probably would be too much plagiarism. Instead I will read through, give some background and share snippets. Let's start at the beginning though. This man is starting his descent into madness and early on starts out with one of his most touching haikus.

Brains, brains, brains, brains, brains.
Brains, brains, brains, brains, brains, brains, brains.
Brains, brains, brains, brains, brains.

Apparently zombies like brains.


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Don't let the nice design and layout fool you. this is a crazy place where I write all kinds of crazy stuff. Well technically not crazy but everyone else had a blog so I wanted one too. This was what resulted from it. See my first post ever for the full details.