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Joseph picked their (5) for things I hate about Facebook

Don't get me wrong I think Facebook is pretty cool. Way better than that scam known as Classmates, but sometimes it just gets annoying. In true Facebook style I just did my pick 5 of the things I hate about Facebook in no particular order.

1 - Facebook Fan System
Joseph Meyers is a fan.
Become a fan

This is something that was really a neat idea at first but turned into a mess shortly thereafter.  It can be cool seeing and learning about the things people like but there were no real rules on the fan pages being made.  I'm not sure which Art Garfunkel spelling I am more a fan of.  And seriously aren't people more a fan of Simon and Garfunkel than just Art himself?  Then we got things like fan pages for every single actor that has ever had a bit part on CSI.  It was also nice to know that some of my friends were fans of breathing.  I guess all the rest of you have gills like Kevin Costner in Waterworld of which I'm pretty sure you can not only be a fan of the actor and movie but also the gills themselves.  Oh and Chuck Norris, we get it, he's awesome because of the Internet but does anyone really like him, or his movies, or Walker Texas Ranger?  I'm not a Facebook fan but I can sing you the theme song to that show, how many others can claim that?

2 - Joseph Meyers > Random Friend You Don't Know: That girl you were with last night was soooo HOT!!11!  I hope your girlfriend doesn't find out.

Gotta love how not really private conversations are even less private on the new Facebook design.  I understand there are private messages and an option to limit who gets to see it.  I also understand that wall posts are semi public anyway but I rarely check everyone's page every day to see what their random friends are saying.  Now I have no choice, it's posted right on my news feed whether I like it or not.  It's like if you are at a dinner party and a friend gets a call on his cellphone.  Let's also assume this friend decides he shouldn't call the person back or excuse himself while on the phone (manners people!).  You and all your other guests get to hear one end of a conversation they really don't care about.  Facebook has taken this awesome experience and made it so you don't even need to make dinner to get it.

3 - Joseph took the What banned substance using professional athlete are you? quiz and the result is Roger Clemens

I'd imagine if that quiz did exist (I wouldn't be suprised) some of the questions would include; "Do all your family members and dearest friends take banned substances and recall you taking them as well?" "Do you often get injected in the buttocks with mystery fluids?" and "Do you frequently associate with people who keep your old needles, bandages and blood samples in a shoebox in their basement?"  But yeah some quizzes were cool... but that was back when AOL Instant  Messenger was cool.  I also really don't need to know what color aura you have or what city in California you are best suited to live in.  Just California?  Really limiting yourself there.  Also beware the quiz variant that tests your knowledge of 80's sitcom theme songs or Disney movies starring deer.  Is it really an "ultimate" quiz if every person I know scores 100%?  Next up The Alphabet quiz!  I bet I'd get 25 out of 26.  Darn you Boggle!  Qu is not a real letter!

4 - Joseph Meyers just completed dealing cocaine in Mob Wars!

I can't remember if that is an actual event but close enough.  Why are respectable people and children playing such things?  First of all it's just an advanced chain letter and second it's a very not fun version of real gang life, which I also hear is very not fun.  Then again the other "games" aren't much better.  Oh look my garden filled with Troll dolls is getting bigger.  I can stare at this for days and days.  Forget troll dolls, I'm waiting to the Alf POG collecting game.  I guess at this point I should stop ranting and give credit where credit is due.  I hear the Scrabble game is really fun and I haven't seen it myself because it doesn't spam me everytime someone gets a high score.  Bejeweled does however and it's still hard to get mad because Bejeweled practically owns the world.  At least until that Zombie game I posted earlier gets released.  There's a zombie on your lawn...There's a zombie on your lawn...There's a zombie on your lawn...We don't want zombies on the lawn.

5 - Joseph picked their (5) for "Celebrity adopted children I wish I could be"

I think it's best to end with where I began.  Pick 5 has arrived and it came, saw and conquered my news feed.  We won't get started on the bad grammar in the line that gets posted on every update; especially since I know my grammar is probably less than ideal, but this thing is just getting annoying.  It is nice to know which of my male soon to be ex-friends like Twilight as one of their top 5 movies but there seems to be a pick 5 for everything and it takes up a ton of space.  On a side note if there was a pick 5 on Nintendo related Shows/Movies my 5 would be: The Wizard, The Legend of Zelda Cartoon, Captain N, Mortal Combat Series, and that YouTube clip of the kid opening an N64 at Christmas.

I love the power glove.  It's so bad!

I almost forget one other thing that has since died out so I'll give it an honorable mention.  

New look

I am already tired of this boring default template for my blog. I am looking for something premade that has a wider post section and possible tabs for different types of posts. I've looked around and haven't found much of anything that interests me. Any suggestions for places to go look? Oh and if the templates were easily edited (widths, images, colors etc...) that would be awesome as well. Post you suggestions please.


For those who live near me you already know this but to enlighten everyone else I am currently looking into buying a house.  I'm just sick and tired of dealing with rent, small spaces, and ridiculously loud and annoying neighbors.  While searching through listings and google maps I caught myself referring to houses as "cute."  To some this may seem an odd choice of an adjective to describe something that isn't Hello Kitty related but this got me thinking.  When is it OK for a guy to refer to things as cute and still retain his man card?  After a good 5 minutes of deep thought I have come up with some acceptable circumstances.

Babies and young children are cute.  Let's face it.  No matter who you are or where you are from kids are cute.  And even if they aren't, when in the presence of their parents make sure to refer to them as cute or at the very least "breathtaking."

Anything related to your girlfriend is, by default, cute.  Hair, clothes, purse, pants, shirt, necklace, makeup, dress, glasses, shoes, car, etc....  If you don't refer to them as cute and not making her look fat she will soon cease to be your girlfriend and then the default cuteness goes away as well.

Animals can also be referred to as cute.  This is especially true with pandas.  I mean seriously pandas are the cutest things in the whole world.  Case in point :
Besides pandas pretty much everything at this site is also cute Cute Overload.

And this brings us to houses.  I'm really not sure why just yet but it seems to fit.  When I think of the house I want and picture in my mind it always comes up as cute.  Even as a child I would draw airplanes shooting and dropping bombs on made up cities and monsters but whenever a single house was included it was cute.  One door, chimney, couple of windows, path lined with flowers and grass leading away from the front.  Tree with apples and hole in the center was optional of course; as was the smiling, sunglasses wearing sun.  

So yeah I just posted about cute.  I think I need to go barbecue some meat and watch football now.

Bonus cuteness, now with zombies!!


Don't let the nice design and layout fool you. this is a crazy place where I write all kinds of crazy stuff. Well technically not crazy but everyone else had a blog so I wanted one too. This was what resulted from it. See my first post ever for the full details.