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Being accident prone is apparently quite contagious

Not sure how many people know (I guess I forgot to tell my family at least) but I just went through knee surgery a week ago. Things went well and it turned out to be just an arthroscopic surgery and not a full ACL reconstruction like I've had in the past. The pain is there but much less than my past surgeries so I've been quickly recovering and trying to get back into real life again. For some reason my wife won't let me play basketball this weekend though.

Becky unfortunately has also come down with some sort of knee injury. The pain is near unbearable recently and she's been having trouble walking. At church we look like a pair of cripples hobbling along trying to support each other even though we both are limping. The weird thing is she has no swelling, inflammation, redness, bruising, cuts, or anything normally associated with joint injury. We can't figure out what she did to hurt it and have no idea what it is. We see the doctor on Thursday but my suspicion is she caught it from me.


Cynthia January 11, 2011 at 9:09 PM  

I would say it is sympathy know kinda like when a man has sympathy pregnancy issues :) Or you need to stop beating her, in the knee...but seriously, feel better both of you and I hope the doctor has some good answers for her.

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