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Sunday, October 9, 2011
My wife has been asking why I haven't posted a zombie haiku yet. I guess I'm kind of bored with them now. Zombies are yesterday's news. Now it's all about shiny vampires. I guess I should however finish out the year so here goes.
Looking at my hand,
Somehow I lost a finger
and gained some maggots.
Posted by
Monday, September 5, 2011
So I missed yet another month. I'm getting tired of the Zombie Haikus as many just don't work outside the context of the book. That and I'm probably violating copyrights or something like that. Just a few more months I guess and then I'll have to find some new monthly thing to do. I had a guest editor, Becky, pick the one for this month.
I keep saying "brains."
I remember other words,
But I just need one.
Posted by
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Some of my friends have pointed out that I am late to the party since this game got huge a while back but I see it more like been brought over to the dark side. This game has oft been described as being like digital LEGOs. More like digital crack cocaine! Basically everything in this game world is made up by 1 meter blocks. You can mine (hence the title), explore, farm, hunt, and BUILD. My friend at work set up a server and we are all really getting into it. Personally I like building things (hence the earlier all caps on the word) and can't stop thinking about new structures and contraptions I want to make. I now understand what all the hype was about.
It's so much fun to think things up and make them. Even with simplistic graphics everything looks neat and has a charm to it. Add to that lots of mods, private servers, multiplayer, and basic circuit logic and this really scream to the nerd inside of me. So far I've played a few days and have made some pretty cool stuff. One friend likes to dig so it's neat just walking through the massive caverns he's carved. Others just build random junk. It's really hard to explain the appeal to non-nerds but I'll try with some screenshots.
Early on I was tired of trying to figure out what each block type looked like. Going online over and over was annoying as well so I just built a reference wall:
After a couple failed ideas I finally settled on a modest tower for my home base. And by modest I mean gigantic monstrosity made from diamond ore (yeah I know it's not a metal but the game doesn't) and glass:
And if that still doesn't appeal to you keep in mind there are also puppies!
Posted by
Sunday, July 31, 2011
So I kind of missed last month and really haven't posted much of anything lately. I figure to make up for it (not really) I'd do a double dose of zombie haikus. That and I will hopefully post more next month as well.
To George Romero:
Because of you. I'm screwed up.
Thanks for your movies.
Brains, brains, brains, brains, brains!
Brains, brains, brains, brains, brains, brains, brains!
Artificial hip?
Posted by
Thursday, June 16, 2011
This is unfortunately the sad state of math in this country
Oh and for those who are yet not aware, these Facebook surveys are giant chain letters. If you answer one, everyone on your friends list gets the survey as if you sent it. So guess what? Your friends are not cleaning our their friends lists, so there is absolutely no need to answer that survey and freak out.
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Monday, June 13, 2011
So Dallas just won it all this year. I really wasn't invested in either team but it was nice they could get their ring finally. Part of me was rooting for the Heat as well. I really wanted to see if those 3 could actually pull it off the first year. As expected they didn't quite do it but if they all can stay healthy next year may be their time. So in honor of Dallas I figured I'd post some LeBron jokes.
A guy hands LeBron a $1 bill and asks for some change. LeBron gives him 75 cents and says, "Sorry I don't have a 4th quarter."
Why does LeBron keep his phone on vibrate? Because he doesn't have any rings!
The city of Dallas has just announced tomorrow is LeBron James' day! Everyone gets to leave work 12 minutes early.
Oh an just as a parting thought. I was looking at horrible video game footage today and this basketball gem from the Sega CD look good enough to share:
Posted by
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Some may have noticed that my spinning fetus app on the right side has been missing of late. Apparently the person who coded it hasn't been up-keeping it as blogger has updated and it no longer works properly. It was always buggy anyway but I guess it was too far gone for Google to allow it on my blog anymore.
Now I have fishies! They will follow your cursor and eat the food you drop where you click. Yay fishies.
Posted by
Thursday, June 9, 2011
So I'm a bit late this month.
Everything I thought
Tasted a lot like chicken
Really tastes like man.
This one is a bit interesting since he uses the word "everything." In my mind it has 4 syllables. I guess he says it differently.
Posted by
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
So I'm sure most everyone has noticed by now the PlayStation trophy thing I have at the top of my blog. As of last weekend I am now the proud owner of that site. The original owners were having some troubles keeping it up and were burnt out from working on it. So after handing over a large sum of cash through PayPal to people I didn't know and then giving my logins and passwords to a friend I never met before I now own a mildly successful website!
I first came to the site at the request of one of the old owners to help out. I had complained about how ugly their card design was and he told me if I hated it so much come and make it better. I spent hundreds of hours making custom backgrounds for probably 300+ PlayStation 3 games. I also volunteered much of my time helping organize and track our efforts. Once the site went up for sale I decided to go for it and see if I can keep it alive and make it better.
The site is and it is basically a trophy tracking site with reviews, guides, new and other stuff. For those not into gaming a trophy is something you earn when accomplishing different feats in a game. It's extremely addicting and there are tons of people who love tracking their trophies and keeping tabs on what everyone else is earning. We track the most users in the world >150,000 of them and are the #1 trophy site by far. Even Guinness wanted us to verify trophy related records for them! It's super exciting and hopefully it will work out great. If you have any interest at all in gaming, the PS3 or trophies go check it out.
Posted by
Saturday, May 7, 2011
When it rains it pours, and by pours I mean you get two posts in one night. Then again these are short posts too, so more like you get a light drizzle or hailstones.
I figured I'd post a food related one since my other post was about food. Fortunately when it comes to zombies everything is food related!
A women screaming,
As I walk off the highway,
Begs me to help her.
She is still begging,
But no longer for my help,
She wants her nose back.
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So a friend of mine at work must have been really bored because he started compiling everywhere we've gone for lunch over the years. Both he and I have been at Xactware for 5 years now so that's a lot of lunches in there. We do have some favorite places but here's the full map of most everywhere (we are still remembering and adding places) we've gone. It's kind of neat.
Posted by
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
So I forgot to post this on April 1st. Oh well.
An old silent pond...
A frog jumps into the pond,
splash! Silence again.
Haha April fools! It's not a zombie haiku and it's not April 1st. Haha me so funny.
Posted by
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
You know that other one, that isn't chicken, and isn't pork either, or cornish game hen. I'm talking about turkey here!
Growing up my family would often experiment with turkey are a substitution for other meats. Turkey is considered leaner, healthier and I think cheaper than things like beef or pork. I'm not sure if any of that is true but that's how it was marketed. The only thing I really remember from then is that ground turkey in spaghetti always tasted funny. Everything else is kind of a blur. Recently my wife and I have decided to test drive the whole turkey substitution thing again. Our thought is why not? If it tastes good then we found a new thing to eat. If not we don't buy it again. Here are the results so far.
Turkey burgers - This was the first turkey substitute product we purchased. We had just finished a large pack or frozen burgers and when buying more decided to give turkey ones a try. As for the healthy part it did seem these had much less grease oozing out of them while being cooked. This also caused much less of a mess being made when grilling these on the stove top. Unfortunately less fat content also means they burn to the pan easier, are dry and have less flavor. That may seem bad but they actually didn't turn out that bad at all. Definitely not a complete replacement for real burgers but I do occasionally crave a turkey burger. With the right seasonings and toppings they are pretty good. I'd definitely go for more in the future at the very least to feel like I'm eating healthy again.
Turkey bacon - Yeah I know, blasphemy. How dare I try to replace real bacon! I was wary too but turkey bacon is pretty awesome stuff. Again it has less oozing grease and noticeably doesn't get as crispy and shriveled as normal bacon but it tastes great. Better yet it still smells like real bacon. My bedroom and office tend to get all the cooking smells in them. The bedroom smell is nullified with some well placed Scentsy and candles but my office smells like bacon for days! That and I'm not a fan of super crispy (aka burnt) bacon anyway. I assume it tastes the same because most the flavor has to do with how it is cured anyway. Kind of like the whole 'tastes like chicken' thing. If you prepare it like chicken it tastes like chicken. If you prepare it like bacon it tastes like bacon. When in Rome do as the Romans. Once a thief always a thief. It takes one to know one. And so on.... Plus turkey whatever is 'healthy' so I can go back to my pack a day.
Turkey meatballs - This one was kind of random. We were out at Sam's Club buying mayonnaise by the gallon and decided to check out their lazy food section. We noticed that instead of their normal mystery meat meatballs they also had turkey ones. Again we said, "why not?" This was the end of good turkey products for us. These are just plain nasty. They keep with the no ooze and dry pattern but they also tasted horrible. Not sure how to explain it beyond lack of any discernible or desirable taste. It's just balls of bleh. Oh well can't win them all.
And for all you vegetarians out there, tofu stuff is disgusting. Go eat some tasty animals!
Posted by
Monday, March 21, 2011
This is just a public service announcement declaring all motorcycle helmets to be stupid and useless. Do not wear them. They are not cool!
Disclaimer: this in no way has any relation to my friend needing a heart transplant.
Thank you for your time.
Posted by
Friday, March 4, 2011
I managed to get one post in between these haiku; even if it was only a few words. Got to think of something else to write about. I have all these ideas when I'm not near a computer. Once I get to one I forget what I was thinking. Oh well.
Shotguns don't scare me,
Which explains why I chase him,
And why I'm one-eared.
Posted by
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
...on second thought yeah it is.
Posted by
Sunday, February 6, 2011
It is hard to tell
Who is food and who isn't
In the nursing home
Little old ladies
Speed away in their wheelchairs
Posted by
Sunday, January 30, 2011
For Christmas Becky and I got a video game called Little Big Planet 2. For those not versed in the video game world this is a game where you can not only play level but make levels. They include tools where people can make some of the most incredible stuff I've seen in video games. We decided to try our hand at making something.
Becky sat through all the tutorials and I thought a simple music based level would be good for our first attempt. She worked for hours coding in John Schmidt's Waterfall, one of her favorite piano pieces. Out of what she plays it is one of mine as well. I thought it would stop there but she also decided to make a huge platforming level so the player can run though and have the song end when they hit the end. We then took an hour decorating it and learning more nuances in level building. It was fun.
if you have Little Big Planet 2 feel free to try out the level and give us feedback. Everyone else... run out and buy it. It's amazing. Here is the link:
Posted by
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Jimmer Fredette, the new BYU basketball sensation is sweeping the nation. This has led to lots of people using his name in common speech. SDSU got jimmered! Inspired by my cousin's disdain for nouns turning into verbs I decided to figure out even more ways to include jimmer into normal speech. Jimmer it in there so to speak.
You got jimmered
I jimmered in my pants
Getting my jimmer on
Don't jimmer with my stuff
Jim jimmery, jim jimmery, jim, jim, jery
It's jimmer time
Quit your jimmer jamming
Shoot and fredette it
Fredette yo' neck
OK, I snuck some Fredettitudes in there but who cares? BYU might actually get out of the first round this year. That would be jimmerific!
Posted by
Sunday, January 23, 2011
So the best part about Little Big Planet 2? The clothes...
Posted by
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Not sure how many people know (I guess I forgot to tell my family at least) but I just went through knee surgery a week ago. Things went well and it turned out to be just an arthroscopic surgery and not a full ACL reconstruction like I've had in the past. The pain is there but much less than my past surgeries so I've been quickly recovering and trying to get back into real life again. For some reason my wife won't let me play basketball this weekend though.
Becky unfortunately has also come down with some sort of knee injury. The pain is near unbearable recently and she's been having trouble walking. At church we look like a pair of cripples hobbling along trying to support each other even though we both are limping. The weird thing is she has no swelling, inflammation, redness, bruising, cuts, or anything normally associated with joint injury. We can't figure out what she did to hurt it and have no idea what it is. We see the doctor on Thursday but my suspicion is she caught it from me.