So my work has given me a company phone to use. This new one is a huge upgrade over my old phone. I used to use a simple Sony Ericsson "walkman" phone. That's right my phone has the special ability to play music. So can my iPods, computer, laptop, playstation, gameboy, DS, alarm clock, transistor radio, TV, car, and birthday cards. Pretty high tech right there. The new phone I got is a Blackberry Curve. They call it a smart phone! So far it hasn't solved any of life's mysteries but here is what I can do with it:
Listen to Pandora while taking a dump
Check emails while taking a dump
Play poker with other people most likely also taking a dump
Pinpoint the exact location I am currently taking a dump
Edit this blog while taking a dump
Identify a song that sounds most like taking a dump (think Miley Cyrus)
Take pictures of the dump I took
Facebook those pictures
and the list goes on....
Seriously, every time I'm in a public bathroom I hear everyone around me on their phones. No wonder the magazine and newspaper industries are failing.
But here is the twist. My company pays hundreds I'm sure for the unlimited data plan and everything else this type of phone uses. It all seemed fine and dandy until the other night while watching TV I caught myself responding to a work email off my phone. It's a trap! It started with me innocently seeing an alert for a new email. I got curious and checked it out. "Oh," I thought to myself, "I can answer this quick. It's an easy question," and then boom they got me doing work from home! They also got me carrying this thing everywhere I go. I'm just a short phone call away. At least with my old phone I could turn it off or drop it in a lake. Since this new phone they pay for I can't. This must be how doctors feel.
Note: for any supervisor reading this I love my job and this is a joke. Hahahahaha joke hahahaha. Please don't fire me :-P