sefjwm Trophy Card

In the beginning...

Oh look I've started my own blog.  Hooray for me!  Basically everyone has a blog now so I figured I might as well jump on the bandwagon.  I figure the title of this blog fits this mentality nicely as well.  As for my first post I guess I'll just go over a few parts of my life where I decided to join with the cool people.  

I remember in High School I was something of a promising swimmer.  Unfortuantely I was also a dork.  My best friend and I decided we needed to be cool.  So what do cool people do?  They hug other men while wearing spandex of course.  Actually not really but we joined the wrestling team to try and get the coolness we desired.  It actually worked out pretty well.  I was still a dork but I made some great friends and got respect for being a successful athlete.  

Next up was college.  I went to BYU and for those of you that don't know, at BYU it is cool to get married and have 9 children in 9 years.  So I got married.  Unfortunately I also live in the 21st century where it is also cool to get divorced.  I guess technically I wasn't the one being cool since I didn't want to get divorced but my wife decided she wasn't cool enough and got it anyway.  Independant career women who can't be burdened by having loving husbands are apparently also cool. *cough* yes I am still very bitter about it *cough*

Fast forward to now.  Things I have that are cool:  
Facebook, check
Used to have Myspace but got rid of it, check
Giant TV, check
Hybrid car, check
Blu rays, check
Nintendo Wii, check
Voted for Obama, check
And now a blog, check.  
Looks like I'll be set on coolness for at least a few years.  Now to get that cool fetus applet all my married friends use on their blogs...


Don't let the nice design and layout fool you. this is a crazy place where I write all kinds of crazy stuff. Well technically not crazy but everyone else had a blog so I wanted one too. This was what resulted from it. See my first post ever for the full details.