sefjwm Trophy Card

Not getting coal for these songs

Since the bad Christmas list was taking up so much space I decided to separate the good list for another post and another day. That and typing with a broken finger starts to hurt after a while. This list was a little harder to make since there are definitely many more good an not annoying songs around the holidays. Limiting them to the five I like the most was difficult but I did my best so here they are in reverse order, because that's how you do top lists, in reverse order:

#5 - To keep with the way I did #5 on the bad list I will choose a grouping of songs for the good ones as well. Mannheim Steamroller and The Trans-Siberian Orchestra are two groups who have carved their own niche in the Christmas music business and I can say that I enjoy pretty much anything that they make. Even if the original songs aren't the greatest I still enjoy them after either of these two groups awesomify them.

#4 - This next one was actually introduced to me by Mannheim Steamroller which is sad because it has been around for a very long time. It's a Ukrainian work that was originally performed with voice only. It sounds amazing like that as well as with instruments and no voice. Unfortunately it has now been heavily commercialized and ruined by companies like Garmin and Hooters Casino in Las Vegas (don't ask). This has caused it to slip to #4 but it still is an amazing song. Also to keep with the whole synchronized light theme from above I've included another light display synced to the instrumental version. Carol of the Bells:

#3 - This song has the weird position of being on both lists. It's kind of sad that a song which I enjoy so much can be altered and changed to the point where one version of it makes my bad list. Then again maybe it's a good thing showing that no matter how bad you make a song you can still love the original. This simple carol sung by pretty much everyone at every Christmas is one of the first ones I was ever exposed to and still sing to this day. Even the rude Batman Smells or the French Vive le Vent versions are some of my favorites. Jingle Bells:

#2 - Yet another song with good childhood memories comes in at #2. During Christmas there are many special movies and cartoons. I wasn't big on the movies and still haven't seen many of them but I did watch lots of the cartoons when I was growing up. One song from one of the cartoons always plays through my head during Christmas. Unfortunately the cartoon has now been blasphemed with the two computer generated movies but I still love the original show and song anyway. That and I still want a hula-hoop. Christmas Don't Be Late:

#1 - Back to more traditional Christmas songs there is one carol that for some reason I always love listening to. It is a calm, peaceful song that crescendos into something that gives goose bumps every time I hear it. I also tend to prefer the male renditions of this song. For me Christmas isn't complete without hearing this carol at least once. Luckily almost every Christmas concert or musical performance includes this one. My #1 Christmas choice. O Holy Night:


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