sefjwm Trophy Card

I am a nerd. I like nerd things.

So anyone that knows me is well aware of this fact. I am a nerd. I have a computer degree, I am a software tester and I play tons of video games. Since I do nerd stuff so others don't have to I would like to share some of the things I enjoy. This way if anyone has the desire to join the nerdery or are curious as to how us nerds live I can highlight some of it.

Nerds like web comics, more specifically web comics about science, math and video games.

Two of my more favorite web comics are Penny Arcade and XKCD. Both of these are pretty well known even outside the nerd circles. Penny Arcade focuses mainly on video game culture and D&D so it may be a bit out there for some people. Heck I don't even get the humor some of the time either. XKCD covers the gamut of nerd friendly topics. They touch on video games, math, science, quantum physics, relationships, the collected works of Joss Whedon, and sci fi (sy fy if your CEO is a moron), and much much more. Ok you got me there, relationships aren't very nerdy but then again it seemed like the nerd majors in college had more married students than other. I highly recommend both sites but a word of warning to the kiddies that read my blog (where are your parents!) these comic do contain strong language and sometimes touch upon mature subjects so be careful.

Another nerdy habit of mine is to listen to video game related music from time to time. I don't really get into it that much though. Players of the game Rock Band may notice very strange songs on the download list from PAX. That type of stuff I normally don't like. Instead I listen to things like the remixed Chrono Trigger soundtrack. Chrono Trigger was one of the best games ever made and had great music to begin with. A group of fans took it a step further and remixed the songs which sound great. Lovers of classical music should also appreciate it since it is heavy on the full orchestra.

A more recent discovery of mine is a group called Anamanaguchi. They basically hacked (nerds love hacking) open an old school Nintendo and produce music through that. It has quite an interesting sound to it and their videos are all done in old video game graphics and timed to match the music. It is really an interesting idea and I recommend it to those looking for something different.

Lastly I would just like to point out that I like video games a lot and recently have been playing a lot of PS3. Current generation systems have things called trophies or achievements that basically provide you a list of time wasting goals to complete in games above and beyond the normal story. I found a neat site that updates an image with my progress and I felt like adding it to the blog. If it isn't up by the time you read this then I guess I wasn't nerdy enough to figure out how to code it in.

Oh and nerds also like to include lots of hyperlinks in their blogs. Enjoy!

Poak Chops

Recently my roommate took a trip down south to visit his family. While down there he had the pleasure of meeting with a musician named Tamechi who introduced him to his hit single Poak Chops. For those of you that don't speak "dirty south," poak chops are things you can shake on the dance floor. Obviously this is going to be one heck of a music video:

After watching that I was reminded of another set of music videos someone recently showed to me. I present to you Ms. Peachez:

I wasn't previously aware at how prevalent the whole transvestite, food related rap industry was but consider me enlightened. The similarities between the videos are many as well. All the videos have main singers dressed up as women, food related lyrics, tons of children gettin' freaky on the dance floor (and by dance floor I mean the backyard), booty shaking, and are set in very rundown parts of the south. I think out of the three Poak Chops is my favorite. I may even consider picking up the single on iTunes.

Zombie of the month

It is kind of sad my only posts lately have been zombie of the month posts but I just haven't felt like writing recently and have also been very busy. Oh crap now I sound like everyone else who neglects their blogs. Um I mean I haven't written lately because I am training for the world record in watermelon seed spitting and my coach disallows Internet usage as it causes lack of concentration. Much better.

The zombie for this month comes from across the pond and is also the only zombie showing its national pride in its name, the British Zombie!

Identifying Marks - Red eyes; discolored flesh; open wounds; immediate, lethal motor response; limited speech capability (i.e. snarls and shrieks)

Origin - Medical mishap; viral transmission

Gore Factor - Bloody awful

Intelligence - High

Mobility - Fast with medium-range roaming capabilities

Hot Spots - Merry Olde England; classic horror remakes

Danger Rating - 10

Wow a danger rating of 10!! I am never going to England again. All those jokes about bad teeth must be referring to the decay caused by an all brain diet. The British do love their sweetbreads. As for this mysterious country called "classic horror remakes," I wasn't familiar with it so I consulted Google maps. This pinpointed the homeworld of these zombies in Burbank California. So residents near Burbank and Cahuenga Boulevards beware. There be British amongst ye!

Note: I would have Binged (I wish this never becomes a real word) it but Microsoft is in cahoots with zombies and refuses to disclose their location as is proven by the following photograph.


Don't let the nice design and layout fool you. this is a crazy place where I write all kinds of crazy stuff. Well technically not crazy but everyone else had a blog so I wanted one too. This was what resulted from it. See my first post ever for the full details.